
BYRD GDSN b-synced

BYRD GDSN b-synced

Stammdaten bereitstellen

Validieren & Publizieren von Produktdaten ins GS1 GDSN

Artikelstammdaten auf einfachste Art und Weise Kunden über GDSN bereitstellen. Mit Unterstützung von BYRD b-synced können Sie Ihren Product Content mit mehr als 55.000 Unternehmen weltweit austauschen. b-synced ist von der GS1 zertifiziert und Teil des weltweiten GDSN (Global Data Synchronisation Network).

Warum BYRD b-synced?

Einfach: BYRD b-synced focuses on the simple connection of existing IT systems and the automated transfer of product information. b-synced accepts any data from its customers and prepares it in an automated GDSN-compliant way.

Günstig: BYRD b-synced is available in a monthly subscription model, suitable for your company size and your usage as a data provider or data recipient.

Gut: BYRD b-synced offers data recipients the possibility to define their own data quality rules and make them transparent for your suppliers. 

b-synced offers its customers the best possible support at all times.

Validate & publish product data into GS1 GDSN

Make item master data easily available to customers via GDSN. With the support of BYRD b-synced, you can exchange your product content with more than 55,000 companies worldwide. b-synced is certified by GS1 and part of the worldwide GDSN (Global Data Synchronisation Network).

Why BYRD b-synced?

Simple: BYRD b-synced focuses on the simple connection of existing IT systems and the automated transfer of product information. b-synced accepts any data from its customers and prepares it in an automated GDSN-compliant way.

Affordable: BYRD b-synced is available in a monthly subscription model, suitable for your company size and your usage as a data provider or data recipient.

Good: BYRD b-synced offers data recipients the possibility to define their own data quality rules and make them transparent for your suppliers.

b-synced offers its customers the best possible support at all times.


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BYRD GDSN b-synced

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BYRD GDSN b-synced
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1. Grundlegende Informationen

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Validieren & Publizieren von Produktdaten ins GS1 GDSN

Artikelstammdaten auf einfachste Art und Weise Kunden über GDSN bereitstellen. Mit Unterstützung von BYRD b-synced können Sie Ihren Product Content mit mehr als 55.000 Unternehmen weltweit austauschen. b-synced ist von der GS1 zertifiziert und Teil des weltweiten GDSN (Global Data Synchronisation Network).

Warum BYRD b-synced?

Einfach: BYRD b-synced focuses on the simple connection of existing IT systems and the automated transfer of product information. b-synced accepts any data from its customers and prepares it in an automated GDSN-compliant way.

Günstig: BYRD b-synced is available in a monthly subscription model, suitable for your company size and your usage as a data provider or data recipient.

Gut: BYRD b-synced offers data recipients the possibility to define their own data quality rules and make them transparent for your suppliers. 

b-synced offers its customers the best possible support at all times.

Manuell übersetzen?

Validate & publish product data into GS1 GDSN

Make item master data easily available to customers via GDSN. With the support of BYRD b-synced, you can exchange your product content with more than 55,000 companies worldwide. b-synced is certified by GS1 and part of the worldwide GDSN (Global Data Synchronisation Network).

Why BYRD b-synced?

Simple: BYRD b-synced focuses on the simple connection of existing IT systems and the automated transfer of product information. b-synced accepts any data from its customers and prepares it in an automated GDSN-compliant way.

Affordable: BYRD b-synced is available in a monthly subscription model, suitable for your company size and your usage as a data provider or data recipient.

Good: BYRD b-synced offers data recipients the possibility to define their own data quality rules and make them transparent for your suppliers.

b-synced offers its customers the best possible support at all times.

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