Micro-Sensys GmbH



RFID Reader

Smart, ultra-mobile RFID-UHF touch & scan reader The iID®PENsolid PRO is one of microsensys’ mobile RFID devices for wireless data capture. The PENsolid PRO is based on the proven patented touch and capture technology. The device is connecting mobile computers like smart phones and tablets with all types of UHF MINI-TAGs and LABELs. Its excellent features make the device useful for wireless data capture in field service, mobile maintenance as well as process documentation in administration, industry, and logistics. iID®PENsolid PRO supports a wide field of different UHF transponders and sensors. microsensys offers an attractive component platform for RFID solutions – from transponder over smart readers up to practical software tools. 

Smart, ultra-mobile RFID-UHF touch & scan reader The iID®PENsolid PRO is one of microsensys' mobile RFID devices for wireless data capture. The PENsolid PRO is based on the proven patented touch and capture technology. The device is connecting mobile computers like smart phones and tablets with all types of UHF MINI-TAGs and LABELs. Its excellent features make the device useful for wireless data capture in field service, mobile maintenance as well as process documentation in administration, industry, and logistics. iID®PENsolid PRO supports a wide field of different UHF transponders and sensors. microsensys offers an attractive component platform for RFID solutions - from transponder over smart readers up to practical software tools.


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1. Grundlegende Informationen

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Smart, ultra-mobile RFID-UHF touch & scan reader The iID®PENsolid PRO is one of microsensys’ mobile RFID devices for wireless data capture. The PENsolid PRO is based on the proven patented touch and capture technology. The device is connecting mobile computers like smart phones and tablets with all types of UHF MINI-TAGs and LABELs. Its excellent features make the device useful for wireless data capture in field service, mobile maintenance as well as process documentation in administration, industry, and logistics. iID®PENsolid PRO supports a wide field of different UHF transponders and sensors. microsensys offers an attractive component platform for RFID solutions – from transponder over smart readers up to practical software tools. 

Manuell übersetzen?

Smart, ultra-mobile RFID-UHF touch & scan reader The iID®PENsolid PRO is one of microsensys' mobile RFID devices for wireless data capture. The PENsolid PRO is based on the proven patented touch and capture technology. The device is connecting mobile computers like smart phones and tablets with all types of UHF MINI-TAGs and LABELs. Its excellent features make the device useful for wireless data capture in field service, mobile maintenance as well as process documentation in administration, industry, and logistics. iID®PENsolid PRO supports a wide field of different UHF transponders and sensors. microsensys offers an attractive component platform for RFID solutions - from transponder over smart readers up to practical software tools.

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